Got hacked good today

I got hacked good today. Someone got my debit card number and got online to my bank account and changed my password, PIN and the answers to my security questions.

They also canceled my cell phone service and ported my number to another carrier. So for now I have a new phone number. T-MOBILE is trying to get my number back they said it will take up to 24 hours. I have had that number for more than 13 years so I am hopeful they can get it back.

I think they hacked into my phone so I changed my iCloud password. I don’t know how they got my debit card number. The bank picked up on the fraud and they were only able to charge like $10. They are sending me a new debit card

I am not sure how they got all my info so be careful out there and watch for anything suspicious.

I’m sorry you got hacked. I got hacked about a year ago, luckily I had 2 step verification on everywhere it mattered.

This is not the way I got hacked, but I know a lot of forums get hacked and the hackers get access to the emails and passwords of the forum users and if your email password is the same, they can log in.

Morale of the story: have 2 step verification on everywhere where possible, either Google authenticator(better of the two imo) or trough SMS and use a different password for your email than for your forum accounts. My Paypal, ewallets, gmail and outlook accounts all have 2 step on.


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