Got all my test results

I not only have diabetes that’s not controlled with Metformin, but I have problems with my liver and kidneys. And, I have had a uti for 15 months now and the meds aren’t working anymore. I have to see a different specialist to get IV antibiotics. I’ll call the specialist Monday. I’m so frustrated with all this. My anxiety is really high. I just hope things get better soon.


I’m so sorry. Good luck, sending healing vibes your way.

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Thanks @Ninjastar

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I’m ignorant about diabetes… is this the serious one?

I am getting close to circulation issues I fear due to smoking like one commercial spoke about a couple years back.

You mentioned previously you’d have trouble affording the meds in this scenario, was the doctor able to clarify any of that for you?

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Good luck with everything, thinking of you. :heart:

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I hope the problems with your liver and kidneys are minor. I’m sure things will get better soon.

I don’t blame you for being anxious though. That’s a lot to take in.

On the bright side as least they know about these problems.

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Yeah. We talked about it. I have type 2 diabetes but so far I don’t need to take insulin. As far as the meds, I told her which ones I can afford. She’ll have to try one of those for me. Metformin is cheap but I’m already on that. I found some others that are also really cheap so hopefully she can prescribe one of them

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That’s true @everhopeful. At least we know about the problems. Hopefully, we can treat all of it and make it better.

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Thanks @antidepressant044

Wishing you well, @LilyoftheValley. You are too young to be suffering so.


That’s what I think too @PinCushion. I’m not old enough for all this. I’m middle aged. I’m 43. Uti’s shouldn’t be complicated yet. And my organs should still be good. Anyway, thanks for the well wishes.

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oh man, that is terrible…I am afraid of diabetes…please keep us up on how everything works out…worried about you !! I will pray for your recovery …

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Sorry to hear. Hope it all works out.

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Wishing you well.

Diabetes can be controlled with a diet below 10% fat from calories. What raises blood sugar is high intramuscular fat, particularly saturated. Without that fat, blood sugar levels off quickly when your muscles use it for energy, or burn it as heat.

It’s basically the “McDougall diet”, which advocates a diet of 80% calories from carbs, 10% or lower from fat and 10% from protein. People have resolved their diabetes with that!

Jason Wyrick: Cured Type-2 Diabetes and Obesity:

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Thanks @jukebox @TomCat

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Wishing you well @LilyoftheValley

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Hugs to you my friend. I have very similar problems. I’m on Metformin, Actos and Rybelsus for my diabetes.


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