Worried about test results

The doctor and my psychiatrist recommended that I have blood work drawn. I have had digestive issues for years, migraines, neuropathy in my feet. Dizziness. The doctor assumed the problem with the bad teeth could have been caused by whatever is going on.

The doctor said it could be diabetes,b12 deficiency. Kidney disease. Inflammatory disease like celiac disease. I’m scared as hell. My partner keeps telling me to not be afraid.


I’m sorry @cbbrown
These issues could be addressed by following your doctors orders.

I’m reversing my health issues through seeing a nutritionist.

I’m eating a lot healthier and my diabetes and cholesterol issues have improved.

Getting a nutritionist might be a good idea.

Diabetes and other health problems can be reversed through exercise and diet.

Good luck to you.


@cbbrown. B12 deficiency you just take a pill for. Celiac isn’t to bad… Mainly the biggest thing for that is you can’t eat gluten anymore… I can give you gfree recipes if you’d like… Gfree can be delicious if you know what to do


Sorry you’re going through this. I’m waiting on some test results of my own that I’ve been just sick about. I know how scary that is.

Hoping for a good outcome for you @cbbrown.


I hope it turns out to be something that you can get relief from easily. Keep us updated


Thanks, my partner is sure everything is gonna be ok. I had an aunt that had celiac disease. She had to get pieces of her intestines taken out because she developed cancer. I know if I have an answer I will let my friends here know.


@cbbrown. Are you feeling better today about everything after talking to all of us?


Very much I honestly do. I don’t think I have to be worried i know it’s important to get checked.


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