Got a B in my class

My online humanities class. 3 classes to go for my degree. I just registered and paid for my next class which will be philosophy, I think it will be interesting.

After this philosophy class my last two classes will be Geography and Algebra. I’ve taken Geography twice already but withdrew both times. But I got far enough in it to know what it’s all about. It’s hard but I was doing OK in it when I dropped it. The algebra class worries me a little but I won’t be taking it for a year.

Degenerative my as*.


Well done matey. Very impressed with your work and good luck on finishing up your degree. Sounds like you’ll do it easy. :slight_smile:

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get a tutor for algebra…maybe even geography if you need it.

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Yes, I’m planning to. I’ll take all the help I can get.

killing it nick!!! stoked for you

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you can try for algebra practice, they have everything from counting to advanced stuff and its freeee

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Nick, for the upcoming geography class, if you need someone to help you study country capitals, I’m the man. I know about 150 capital cities from the times I used to play trivia every day. I also know seas, mountains and rivers, and some currencies, although less than I’d like to.

That’s good if you have an idea of what you’ll do when you graduate.

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