Music Streaming

Does anyone here stream music from Spotify, Apple Music or Amazon (Or any others?)

I have always used my old CD’s and purchased from iTunes, but my cousin says that you can listen to songs offline and download them.

I might get apple music because I have an iPhone, but not sure if it will sync with the music I have already or not.

Bump. Interested. I have an exclusive itunes library that is quite substantial. I’m curious of these new services.

I use Google Play Music extensively. I prefer it over Spotify, Apple, and Amazon. You can listen offline.

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I didn’t know Google had one too. I will have a look. Thanks

I sold my vinyl and cds a few years ago.
I use Spotify now. It’s free because I’m on my sisters account.

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I am going to go for Apple Music I think, as I watched some videos, and it all links with my phone music library and merges with what I have already.

I am speaking to family, as the first 3 months is free, and then for up to 6 family members it’s 14.99 vs. 9.99 for an individual.

If I can get 2 or 3 people we can split the cost and make it really cheap.


I use Spotify free and CDs.
Ive actually never bought music online,
mainly because i dont have a credit card.
I wish you good luck with Itunes.

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As man.

Every time I listen to the new music of generation I just can’t “feel good”

Sometimes I “feel good” like boomer music 80,70

I use spotify. It’s free if you’re prepared to put up with ads. If you’re not prepared to put up with ads then you can pay.

As far as I know the music you download (available if you pay) can only be played by the app itself.

And that’s spotify.

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I just got spotify. Trying to figure it out.

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I use spotify. It seems to have most things I look for, even the small bands I like.

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I use spotify premium because I can’t stand to listen to the ads. It has most artists I want to listen to and it will make lists of music it thinks you will like which is nice.


I use Google Play Music because I’m lazy and it’s what’s easiest for me.

Moved on from “ripping CDs to HQ mp3s” to just using Spotify. I’m on a Family plan so I don’t have to pay anything. Honestly it’s so much more convenient to have everything ready and new for on the go instantly. I already have a playlist with over 3k followers.

Besides I’m an artist and I even earn on Spotify and other streaming services. :stuck_out_tongue:


Listening to your music right now @NeonSynth. Cool!

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Thank you good sir :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m okay with re-visiting the oldies once in a while, but I can’t listen to the same songs over and over for my entire life. There’s too much new talent out there to discover.


I agree with @shutterbug, there’s plenty of new music that you may like if you are willing to look. Also, plenty of old bands that are still making new music.

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Spotify is tenner a month. I used to use it.

U can shuffle songs, listen to downloaded songs.

If u don’t pay u can’t listen to them offline

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I seemed to have missed the boat on this online streaming.

I probably spend about the same amount a year on iTunes music, but from the sounds of it as long as you have a subscription the music is pretty much yours anyway.

Thanks for your comments

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