I use spotify premium because I can’t stand to listen to the ads. It has most artists I want to listen to and it will make lists of music it thinks you will like which is nice.
Moved on from “ripping CDs to HQ mp3s” to just using Spotify. I’m on a Family plan so I don’t have to pay anything. Honestly it’s so much more convenient to have everything ready and new for on the go instantly. I already have a playlist with over 3k followers.
Besides I’m an artist and I even earn on Spotify and other streaming services.
I’m okay with re-visiting the oldies once in a while, but I can’t listen to the same songs over and over for my entire life. There’s too much new talent out there to discover.
I agree with @shutterbug, there’s plenty of new music that you may like if you are willing to look. Also, plenty of old bands that are still making new music.
I seemed to have missed the boat on this online streaming.
I probably spend about the same amount a year on iTunes music, but from the sounds of it as long as you have a subscription the music is pretty much yours anyway.