How many GB of Music do you have?

My computer has 33GB!

I remember my first iPod was able to hold 1,000 songs…

Apple Music is a great service. I can literally download anything and see if I like it

Have gone from Hip Hop and Metal, to Pop, Country and much more

We split the family subscription between 3 of us and it works out just £5 per month

Highly recommend it!


0! I listen to the radio and spotify. If there is a song I’d like to hear, I use youtube.


I mostly use a streaming service called Pandora Radio.

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I just use Spotify


Zero. When I sold my computer I lost my whole collection. Then I started building it back up with Google Music, but then that went defunct and I just gave up dealing with it. I pretty much exclusively stream radio on either Pandora or YouTube Vanced.

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These days I use YouTube only to watch interesting people talking about random crap, and technology videos.

Did binge on Joe Rogan’s podcast for a while, but got bored of that since he moved to Spotify

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I hit delete on the profile that was supporting all my old CD’s…

Was not happy, but Apple music saw I had them, and restored the whole lot!


I’ve a lot of bought apple music. Just don’t mind paying $2 a song and the artist gets the money. I’ve a fair bit of music but will have to look. When I moved overseas my little brother grabbed all my cds…and my cat destroyed most of my vinyl so it’s digital for me.

I’m wondering if apple music subscription is right for me. I much rather own the song so to speak. I think the artist gets better royalties.

If you have the Apple Music app (Old iTunes) then definitely worth it, as it will merge your content with your downloads, and it’s all in one place

I think these days artists make much of their money from touring.

The streaming services have taken over now…

If you can share a family subscription, it will be super cheap and I don’t think you’ll look back

Some artists I’d never have listened to if I had to pay for each song.

Don’t feel so bad for them, they’re winning the race from what they earn as musicians far more than we could ever imagine

If I was making music, I’d just want people to like it enough to listen to it and see me live!

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I don’t listen to that much music anymore, but when I do, I do like @gene mentioned, and find it on youtube.

I also have Apple Music. I listen to music all day long. I still have a student subscription (despite quitting my studies a couple of months ago). I just pay 4.99€, but when my subscription expires I will have to pay 9.99€ monthly.

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1.89GB on Spotify but I have a couple of podcasts I haven’t listened to also.

I just stream on Amazon music.

I download music and put it on my smartphone.

I don’t use my computer as I used to do. I used to stream music through Spotify.

I still buy cd’s and vinyl if there is a record I like.

I have 2 albums on my computer.
Mostly listen to my radio.

I have 1400 songs in Youtube Music and Spotify.

None. I listen to the radio in my car or I heart radio in my home

Zero GB. I use the radio, Spotify and YouTube.

I do have a bunch of CD’s from back in the day.

I sold all my cds ten years ago, but digitalised them all before doing so. I had an ipod with 180gb on but a static electric shock screwed that.

I have a external hdd with a back up of 250gb of music on, but for a few years I used spotify until recently.

Now, I have a Fiio DAC that holds my 250gb of music on and I play it through a digitial amp on Denon speakers. It sounds great!

I didn’t add to my music collection while on Spotify, so it is all older tunes on my Fiio now, but I can’t be arsed to pay for spotify any longer. I’d like to add all the tunes I discovered from spotify, but can’t seem to find a decent pirate site to connect to in the UK. The broadband provider scuppers that.

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What’s the difference between Spotify and apple music?

I have no gb atm.

I’m thinking in the future I may join one of these music services though