- Iphone
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Is it difficult to make the switch from iPhone to google phone?
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Is it difficult to make the switch from iPhone to google phone?
I picked iPhone.
My first iPhone was the 3 and I bought it second hand off eBay
The only one I hated was the 6S as the battery was crap and it was only a 32gb
Now I have an 11 pro
Taking it to the apple store tomorrow as the ear speaker is too low sound and I cannot hear anybody
Is the Google phone cheaper?
I know nothing about phones, but I’m curious.
I know some people have made movies with the camera on the iPhone.
Apple phones are super expensive.
It depends what eco system you buy into.
With Apple or Android your devices link up to each other.
I have an apple laptop that links to my phone and my watch
It’s pretty cool - I can view any file on my phone that’s on my laptop. Really handy for work
That’s really neat. I can imagine that helps with organizing files and things like that.
It is good.
I also have a apple car play screen in my van that uses the phone for sat nav, music, calendar and calls/messages
I’ve an extensive itunes library from giving up physical copies so an iphone just fits into my lifestyle. They are expensive but easy to use which is another thing for someone not so technical with phones. I just upgraded to an 11 a while ago and have an old SE I use as an ipod now. …much easier to use when jogging around the place.
My iPhone 7 links to my iPad. That’s a really nice feature.
I choose google simply because I hate apple
I prefer google, apple devices are overpriced.
My heart says iphone but my head says android.
Use whatever you like, both have pros and cons, typically apple is overpriced, you can sync android phones to PC’s and car stereo head units as well.
Android all the way.
I prefer Android mainly for the price. My Xiaomi phone cost me 125-130$ and is fast enough. 6.53" screen 5020mah battery.
I may be getting the new iPhone 12 or iPhone 12 Mini.
I don’t know yet.
I vote iPhone. My 11 pro is very reliable and syncs with my iMac.
Apple’s business model just seems immoral to me. They sell people such an expensive computer, then don’t let them program it unless they go through months of a software review process for each application?
It seems very wrong. They should be required to warn consumers that they aren’t really buying a real, programmable computer when they buy an iPhone.
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