nice pictures for sure =)
Russia is such a beautiful place!
Snow can be beautiful, but when it is -30C as it is in Siberia, the story can be different.
Here’s an interesting DW documentary about a granny in Siberia who still skates on the frozen lake in winter.
EDIT: An error message comes up when trying to play the YouTube video so here’s the direct link to the YouTube video that seems to work.
That picture just shows one among many reasons you should never attack Russia. In winter the weather will kill you. Russians are adapted to it.
I could not watch the YouTube video you posted. It says ‘An error occurred. Please try again later.’
Last year at this time I wanted to travel to Saint Petersburg, Russia, I even got a new passport. However, I have not yet travelled. I am not sure if they give me a visa from Russia’s embassy in Helsinki because I have psz. Also they have many travel restrictions due to Russia’s current coronavirus situation. Maybe I’ll try in 2022.
Try this link to Deutshe Welle, Focus on Europe. There’s a shorter video available there.
Also, I posted a new YouTube link in my previous post that seems to work. Here it is again:
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