Good News!

So took dad to a follow up today for his prostrate cancer. Specialist was waiting for his levels to plataeu and he’s finally hit that marker.

Levels are good so next thing is where we go from there. Was clear on ct and other scans but Pet scan could have a bit of drama when it comes to spreading so new opinion is another scan and if it’s localised they can move to remove the cancer. Whether it’s surgery ( could be dodgy because of age at 78 ) or radiation it could be a thing to give dad a much greater age so we are keen on that.

Love modern medicine if you get it or can afford it…and if you can’t afford it vote to make it work!


I glad to hear things are going well, and wish you and your dad the best of luck with the cancer.


I knew a man with a small Prostate Cancer. They put a tiny radioactive grain next to the tumor, and the grain and the tumor dissolved. The tumor went away completely.


Do you have co-pays for medical care there? I’m on Medicare in the US and have a 20% copay.

We have medicare. The government pays for all procedures without cost to the consumer. We also have private health insurance which is notoriously expensive but if you can afford it you might get seen to quicker and have access to private hospitals.

It’s not bad the public health system but you will see greater wait periods over private health funds.

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That is good news! Wishing you both the best.


Great news! I hope it continues to go well. Much love to your dad from this side of tge world,


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