Well not too much is going on over here due to the shelter in place order but I do have to run to the pharmacy and the grocery store. Then it’s straight back home to get back to sheltering in place. For those of you who can still do things, what are you doing today?
I’m just relaxing , not getting hyper, because, right now, what we have a lot of is time. And that’s ok. I can use it to find myself.
I am working from home
Didnt want to risk going out , so i got my meds and food shopping delivered. Ive just been gaming on tomb raider all day , and talking to mum on the phone all morning.
i have to call and cancel a pdoc appt. and then clean for about an hour. will be listening to talk radio and getting on the treadmill. maybe pick up my guitar in the evening. that’s about it for the day.
Well, I’m self quarantining. Today is the start of week two. I’ve only been to the pharmacy and the bank drive through. I’m really starting to go stir crazy. My apartment building management is not allowing family or friends in the building to visit, and you’re not allowed to hangout in the North Lounge.
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