Gonna leave i guess

Sorry to be such a drag.

Not welcome is me?

I just can’t call it recovery in the least.

Im a murder and torture victim.

Til we meet again i suppose.

And once again sorry to be such a drag, you’ll know what i was saying when you are older and your frowns have grown very large.

Everybody loves you pans.


@everhopeful is telling the truth.

If there was anyone I could wave a magic wand over and fix whatever’s wrong, or build a giant fortress around to keep all the bad ■■■■ out, it would be you. I don’t know what was said (though I can guess) but you are loved here.


I think there’s plenty of room for you here. Yun sure have a different perspective than the average person which is not always bad.


…we all love you here…:cry:


Dont leave pans I love your posts/topics. Stay around till I lay some eggs. Breakfast!!

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Don’t go Pans - you’re valued.

I wish I could post a thread that I was leaving, but I would get no reponses cuz no one would care :cry:

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awww pans…I love you. I hope you come back. I would worry about you. You always seem so sad. Please check in once in a while.

Are you trying to kill him? You know he hates happiness.

the forum wouldn’t be the same without you…

You give some great balance.

This place just wouldn’t be the same without you. I’ve said it before.

Get all your words out here, and make us work to figure them out. I’m just sorry I don’t talk more.

That is not true. At all.

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Pans, stay, we all like you.

I love reading what you have to say @pansdisease . Your words are poetic and your perspective is unique. You bring a lot to this community. If you do decide to depart, you will be missed.