Just finished seven hours of neuropsychological testing!

It will take three weeks to get the results. Man that was taxing! Has anyone else had it done? Did the testing results help or hurt your.social security case?


What did you do during the testing? Was it brain scan type of testing - or just sitting with a psychologists with way too many questions :-).

Please post your results and let us know what they say.


It started with a two hour interview that encompassed everything in my life, my family’s lives, school, medical events, and milestones. Then she asked me to listen to a set of unrelated words said slowly and then asked me to repeat what I could remember back every fifteen minutes or so in between other tests. She asked me to remember a second set of words and did the same. Then asked if a word was on the first list or the second. Then asked me to solve visual puzzles. Then had me do connect the dots with strange directions. Then had me put little metal sticks in grooved slots once with my right only and once with my left only. I had to draw shapes from a picture then do again from memory and again in about a half hour from that. I was asked to read strange words, define other words, do math problems and recite stories she read to me in all the detail I could muster. Then I took a depression inventory, a personality test, a mental disorder test. And then filled out paperwork for a half hour and then went home.

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I admire your patience I would have felt like a Guinea pig. :slight_smile:

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It’s all in books why psychologists give these special tests. You did an excellent job of remembering what the specific tests were. Psychologists look for different kinds of cognitive deficits.

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I should get one of these. Maybe I wil lactually ask my neuro. they seem reluctant do anything. A psychological evalutaion like this might go smoother. And I would like a fair review of my cognitive abilities which hasnt been good since brain damage from abilify.