I would like to be back in school in a year or two. in the meantime im going to be reading and studying 3 hours a day in the morning. in the past my memory was so bad, it would have been a useless pursuit, as I would forget everything I read. but now im feeling more confident in my memory. that said, it will still be a challenge. to learn new subjects, I really have to immerse myself in the topics and keep focused on them, rereading material, and taking notes, and not taking a break from the subject until I have it committed to memory.
so im going to start by buying used textbooks off amazon. im thinking I will study accounting, economics, and I would also like to be able to at least write in Spanish, even if I can’t converse in it fluently.
in the past I have taken 2 economics courses, micro and macro economics, and financial and managerial accounting, but have forgotten all I learned as that was almost 10 years ago and never used any of it. I also took a couple semesters of Spanish, and luckily I still have my Spanish textbook. although I sold my accounting and economics books.
my improving memory and my new pursuits are just another reason to take it easy on the sauce. I rarely drink anymore, and when I do, I limit myself to 2 drinks about once a month nowadays.
anyways I just want to test myself before I spend money on tuition.