I saw tonight’s concert is sold out. I’m going to see nonpoint and Sevendust, though there will be two other bands before them. I bought my ticket weeks ago, so I’m good, but damn I’m going to be one of 1100 people in attendance.
I’ve never been to a concert with that many people, hope I do well with it. I’m used to more like 300 people, and even then I typically keep my back to a wall so I feel more at ease, like a mob boss eating at a corner booth so he can see everyone in the restaurant.
I normally do fine at concerts, other than constantly feeling for my keys, wallet and phone. There will be no seats, just 1100 people standing and milling around. I’m sure the music will distract me, though.
See thats interesting, your the opposite of me. When I go to a diner, I keep my back toward most people because if they can see my eyes then it is easier for them to read my thoughts.
I remember going to rock concerts in big auditoriums in the 70’s and 80’s where there were many thousands of kids in attendance. The auditoriums were always jam packed. Great, great fun.
@Sherlock I get pretty uncomfortable in those situations, not knowing what’s going on behind me.
@SkinnyMe I’ve never been to a large venue concert, just doesn’t seem like it would be as much fun as the small venues, especially if we’re talking a stadium.
I go to bed at 7pm every night but I love live music. Every now and then I’ll go to a concert and it’s amazing. So much fun and always an amazing experience.
Looks like a good gig and hope you enjoyed it. More power too you and glad you got out. I wish I could more often but covid kinda slaughtered our music scene when it comes to gigs I would like to see!
The concert was awesome, all four bands did a great job.
I had never heard of Another Day Dawns before, but they did a great job, will be looking them up. Ill Niño was good, nonpoint was great, and Sevendust killed it.
My only gripe is that nonpoint got only half an hour, like the two bands before them. I was hoping they’d get 45 minutes, being the last opener, but it’s all good. Sevendust played for an hour and 15 minutes, gave the crowd their money’s worth.
I took some videos, wish I could post them on here.