Yeah im going from Esa to Uc and its pretty daunting im not even sure if i have enough identification
Is anyone else on uc? Any advice?
How long do you wait for it?
I’ve been on UC for a while from before I was diagnosed. From what I remember it is easy to get on it. When I told them of my diagnosis they put me on Limited Capabilities Allowance which gives me an extra £400 from them on top of whatever the base sum is for the month. Maybe you might receive the LCA as well. When you get that you’re not expected to be seeking for employment so they don’t badger you with going to meetings with your work coach.
I believe there is an assessment period before you receive your first payment but I’m unsure how long it is, I think it’s 6 weeks?
Thanks @Mountain its completely new to me as i only got the letter today
I hope i do get same amount because i was worried my money would go down a lot which would be very difficult to live on.
No worries. When you first sign up they’ll ask you questions about yourself like your marital status, your current accommodation, your finances, any medical conditions and they award you your allowance base on that. I think the normal payments for a single person living on their own is £393ish but if you get the LCA as well then you get more, hope you get it!
I see, sorry i don’t know how it would work for a joint claim. I’m guessing they would ask the same set of questions if you’re both claimants, I could be wrong though. I wish I had more to go on.
Youve been helpful, thanks no probs
I have a friend in UK who is also moving from esa to universal credit.
He is scared he won’t receive as much money.
He said one difference is dat esa is every fortnight. But universal credit is monthly.
Ive had people i knew that gets UC every 2 weeks, cos they are disabled and were on esa for years. I think they mentioned they couldnt budget properly as well.
You can get a budgeting loan from them while you wait for your universal credit kicks in. It’s paid back at no interest over the course of a year. When I switched I had to do that especially because we were also moving at the time.
It is hard budgeting for an entire month. Do you get PIP ? At the moment my pip falls in between UC payments so it’s not so bad.
With uc I get something like £809 if it’s any help.
I recently got told to switch from ESA to UC so applied online. It was easy. I find out when and how much I get paid on the 27/12.
Just got the letter 2 days ago too
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