Glad I'm not on guys really struggle on those

I learned through therapy how to conquer anxiety and I am soooo glad I don’t need benzos…couldn’t get 'em if I wanted 'em. doctor says no…I’m fine with it…saw my ex wife go through withdrawals once…not pretty.


I’d be on benzos still if I hadn’t discovered some supplements that do the same job for me.

It was tricky coming off benzos for me though.


I depend on benzos. :crocodile::crocodile::crocodile:

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I got lucky (as an alcoholic) in that I walked away from a high dose of Ativan. I should have never been prescribed them so when I changed PDocs 5 years ago I stopped taking them and was okay.


I have some around but I barely take them. Took it once a couple of months ago.

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I hadn’t realized I was addicted to Vicodin until I stopped using it. A very unpleasant month.

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Benzos is scary stuff. I was on it for a short period and increased the dose, then felt like I was electrocuted in my sleep.

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It is very difficul to get the doctors to perscribe benzos here in Denmark.

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I don’t know much about benzos, but I don’t think I understand, why the doctors are so much against them. There’s a lot of side effects to antipsychotic meds as well and a lot of withdrawals when you are to come off that as well


I sometimes ask for a small amount of Ativan if I’m having too many panic attacks. I only ask for 5 for a month so I can’t get addicted

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i quit klonopin cold turkey 4 years ago, first year off (yes the whole year) was one of the worst experiences of my life i was constantly in crisis and almost hospitalized due to being suicidal so frequently. now i just have regular sz problems like i did before starting klonopin, but i do feel in some ways ive been permanently changed for the worse

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My doctors refuse to give me a drug from this family for more than one month. Fine by me, we found other methods.

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Which supplements work for you? :slightly_smiling_face:

Benzos are mostly for severe anxiety
I was prescribed that for this
With benzos you can become EXTREMELY dependent

It’s so hard to get off of it.
I wish I knew all this before my psychiatrist prescribed me that family of medication
Been on it for 7-8 years now


I’m sorry to hear that. I didn’t know much about benzos. But what I was wondering is if there are side effects to benzos?

They gave me Valium in the ER once because I was having panic attacks. They sent me home with some. Worked amazingly.

A lot of what I’ve learned about benzos from this forum has made me reluctant to seek a prescription though. I try to make do with hydroxyzine, therapy, and my DBT group.

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Is it l-theanine that you use?

Honestly there’s nothing scary about benzos, it really depends on how they are used.

If one is to abuse them or don’t take them as prescribed then you are going to have problems

But if you take them as prescribed and don’t overuse them then you should be fine


Yes that was excactly what I thought, and the benzos don’t seem to have as much side effects as antipsychotics


i had over 100 clonazepam pills when i stopped, they prescribed me 30 pills every 30 days and told me i could take it daily or not if i dont need to, said i could even take 2 or 3 at a time but as long as its not like the whole bottle, i still got withdrawal and i didnt take daily and thought i was being very cautious as i research all my meds before taking but i am a slow metabolizer and clonazepam has an extremely long half life, one pill i would feel the effects for 2-3 days