Getting my first covid-19 shot on Friday

I was lucky enough to get in for vaccination on Friday. It will be the AstraZeneca vaccine, and is in a very limited amount so I count myself lucky.

I’ve read the articles, and it seems like a very low-risk considering. Many medications come with greater risks

I won’t get my second shot until August, but at least the ball is rolling now


i got the astra zeneca shot on april7th …just to let you know for the first day you might get side effects…i got a bad fever but i was over it after a short while

also how long do you have to wait for your second jab?

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Congratulations on your first shot. I’m in the USA and have already received the second Pfizer shot three weeks ago.

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Thanks for the heads up. I’m okay if I get sick for a day or two, I have plenty of time on my hands.

I don’t get my second shot until August.

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