In just over 2 hours. Feeling nervous. Not sure why. I’m not afraid of needles. Just have an uneasy feeling in my stomach.
Which vaccine did you get again?
My first was AstraZeneca. This one is moderna.
oh 2 different vaccines? i thought you always get the second one from same brand as the first one.
Good luck with the vaccine though! Hopefully not too many side effects.
Good luck Mama!
You’ll do fine!
Good luck @FatMama I’m sure it will go smoothly. Most people do well.
It was fine. Hurts less than bloodwork. Just hoping I don’t feel too sick
I hope you have no side effects. If you do, the good news is it’s usually very short term. Let us know how you feel tomorrow
My intuition was pinging like a lot when I got the vaccine. I didn’t even feel anything the first injection. It doesn’t seem like they gave it to me.
My arm is getting quite sore but not awful. I’m I’m sniffly but that may just be seasonal allergies.
I all the sudden felt like I had a really bad cold the day after my first Pfizer shot. When I woke up the next day though I felt 100% fine. It was really weird.
Good on you for getting vaccinated!
I mixed and matched too. AZ/Pfizer.
My AZ shot had side effects and a very sore arm. My second Pfizer shot resulted in zero side effects and my arm wasn’t all that sore.
How long did you wait between your first and second shot. The longer you wait the better your immune response will be. 8-12 weeks between shots seems to be good.
About 8 weeks in between
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