Getting first car in two days


Congratulations, @Nomad! I’m excited for you. Wow, that’s a nice looking car!


wanted a car. but I realized men can’t shower inside.

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looks nice, i’m happy for you, my partner is going to get her permit in a few weeks her mom wants her to have her old van.

congrats on your first ca-


The freedom this will give you. Happy for you.

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I am super happy for you! Having a car gives you a lot of independance. I went without a car for a year and it was really hard. Your first car? Wow…that’s really something. Good on you. :slight_smile:

Congrats on your new car

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Getting my car was delayed until tonight



can I slowly wash your new car with water hose and very soapy sponge?

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That’s great! Nice car :slight_smile:

silence, eh? fine. do it yourself:


stoked, excited for you, drive safe

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Oh dude… nice…

That a subaru or some kind of mazda?

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It’s a 2012 Subaru Outback !!

It’s sitting in front of my house and it’s agonizing bc I can’t legally drive it until April when they get the insurance figured out (it’s my late uncles car)


■■■■ yeah guy!

Friend of mine was saying they got the weight of the AWD drivetrains down in weight around that time to make the car more reasonably efficient.

Good on you though man. That is a stellar vehicle second favorite of mine in the class of station wagons. I still got a car-boner over those green xc-70s from 2014-15

…(volvo 4 life)

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We used to have a '99 xc70 <at least I think that’s what it was. Solid car.