Well looks like I will be getting the ect treatments. Spoke with my pdoc and he sent the rifural to the pdoc that does the procedures. Just waiting for a call from him within a week or too. I am excited, hoping that this will help, because the meds aren’t doing much for me. I have heard good things about ect, so I’m going to give it a shot! I’ve never been put asleep before, so I’m kind of scared about that, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.
R u getting ect for depression. I almost got ect too but was too scared. Good luck
Good luck. Being put to sleep is very fast. I’ve gotten a few surgeries on my legs, and when they put you to sleep, you literally just go out and wake up really fast. A few times, I even dreamed but most of the time, it is very fast and easy. I wish you the best.
I hope it helps you! Let us know how it goes.
I’ve been put under several times. I’m always scared but it always turns out to be nothing.
Have you ever taken a medication that made you feel really drowsy, and you eventually fell asleep? It’s like that, but just a much faster version of that.
Ohh okay sounds good…I know I’ll be okay. Hopefully I will get the call soon!