I just finished a book about evolution. Sz is hereditary but there are “more than 100 chromosomal sites harboring known genetic risk for the disorder.”
This is very strange.
I may not be up to date.
most of my family on both sides fits schizophrenia spectrum.
I’ve read that genes can influence a person having sz but genes alone don’t cause it.
Whatever dominant or recessive traits we inherit from our parents are pretty random.
Yes it takes a trigger to induce sz. For me I think it was thc weed. If I didn’t have sz genes I would have never had sz as triggers alone without the genes don’t cause sz except maybe for drug induced psychosis like stimulant psychosis but most people can recover from that after stopping the drug. Twins with identical genes don’t always both develop sz. I read that scientists discovered maybe 20% of the sz genes, forgot the name and they overlap with autism and mental disability sometimes
Right, and there can be multiple triggers too. Like trauma in childhood, drugs, and even living in a violent area.
Yes one pdoc told me stress can trigger sz
I’ve read that before and I think it’s definitely true.
Right before I developed sz I was abusing weed, living in a ghetto, and I was super stressed out because I was behind on student loan payments.
Weed gave me temporary psychosis years before getting a diagnosis. Maybe its why psychosis came back later even without using it. I never had psychosis before using it but not sure
The psychosis coming back later is most likely the sz. I’m no Dr or scientist though, but I know weed only stays in your system for about 2 weeks to 30 days. (It varies due to everyone’s different metabolism).
After that you shouldn’t have any more of the high or psychoactive effects.
The psychosis lasted 2 days.
I sometimes wonder if my mom having pneumonia while pregnant with me affected the expression of my sza genes later in life or predisposed me for eventually developing sza… don’t know, tho.
I’ve heard that two bipolar people can make sz children
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