Theres 1 other family member who has it my aunt on my mothers side she is isolated in her house for over 10 years now she only goes out for food and smokes
I would do the same but I have a spark of life left in me
Theres 1 other family member who has it my aunt on my mothers side she is isolated in her house for over 10 years now she only goes out for food and smokes
I would do the same but I have a spark of life left in me
Luck of the draw I guess, not sure why I got it
The Psychologist I am seeing insists that it is genetic, yet no one in my family has schizophrenia. Not that I am aware of anyway.
From my personal experience and the books ive read on Sz - i believe it to be a mix of genetic and environmental factors. Emotional abuse and drugs and major “Life events” is what i believe caused mine. But i do also have an uncle who is Sz - and there is a history of MH in my family. In short - i think its a bit of both with bad luck thrown in. Some people are just more susceptible.
I think the genetic risk isn’t just a link from schizophrenia—->schizophrenia
I mean I have two schizophrenic/sza fellow family members, but also a few depressed, anxious, bipolar people. They may all be linked.
No. I believe there might be a mild genetic predisposition, not even sure if it is for sz or simply being more sensitive in general or having a different kind of information processing from the average.
But im 100% sure that without trauma and not fitting in socially and medication use, i would not have become ill.
Its the same argument among bodybuilders. If you look good is it genetics, no you put the work in. I put the work in to get here. And now i have to put the work in to get out.
Yes. I wish I’d known!
I ended up on a depressive break at 23 . Shrink thought I had paranoid overtones but prozac was shite for me and I smoked weed for 5 years which helped at the start but became increasingly problematic till I went psychotic.
My mothers mother had two sisters with severe schizophrenia. Didn’t find out till much later and the first question they ask you is is there sz in your family!
Could have helped but didn’t know till much later…
I feel for you peeps though with not much family history. I feel fortunate my family is pretty understanding because mental illness is common on both sides of my family. I don’t know, I’d be a lot worse off without the support of my family
I just remember being at a funeral with my schizophrenic cousin when I was like 10 and I knew she was sz and I was intrigued by her a bit. Not scared, even though she disliked me because I was a child and she hated children I think. Then she died before I got sza. But my sister had more stigma toward the disease than me ever. It took me overcoming my illness in a lot of ways for her to become empathetic. But my parents grew up around mental illness and had more experience with it while she didn’t. My parents believed in recovery for one…
Lots of depression on both sides of my family. One cousin has something or another. I can’t help but wonder if something was passed down. I don’t know my bio grandpa (no loss there) so who knows. But an early childhood trauma with a difficult home life, sh!tty friends, and a few high stress jobs sounds like the perfect Petri dish for sza. Imfuo.
My case is not genetic, or I probably don’t know who in my family had it before.
I’ve had genetic testing done for my undiagnosed neuromuscular diseases, because my mitochondrial disease specialist thought my physical disability was genetic. I didn’t want to ask my doctor if I had one of the genes that causes schizophrenia, but my mom told me to not to talk to my doctor about it. I might just get the finished genetic testing results and ask my pdoc.
My mom was mentally ill and I exhibit her symptoms
It’s not genetic in my case, neither is it environmental as ive never had abuse. I think what triggered mine was anorexia and coming off of a medication too fast.
It’s doesn’t work like that. Most people with sz do not report having family members with the same disorder. It is polygenetically inherited, so you can get it genetically without anyone in your family having it.
There’s no one else with sza in my family but my sister was diagnosed with bipolar at one stage and her one daughter showed signs of it as well. And my mother’s father had depression and alcoholic problems earlier in his life.
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