Gaslighting assholes

@Orbeezlight, why couldn’t your fiancé move closer to your family with you?

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I get called gay a lot out in public and where I live. Also called a hoe, whore etc… So much so that my mind is trying to convince me that im gay because I let these people into my head. Not in a good place right now. But I hope you do get past it. I don’t know if I will without self harm.

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Mean people suck. Small towns can be tough because of reputation and family ties. Not everyone hates you. Some of the older posters offer good wisdom. It is part of the illness. Nobody may have walked in your shoes but many of us have walked barefoot.:wink:

Haha yeah it’s nice to know I have some people that ain’t going anywhere. Even though I’d like to not cause them unneeded stress or worry. The thing is about good kind people they tend to not speak up to the assholes.

Alot of my issue is just something will run me the wrong way and I’ll stop to think and understand it and it’ll shut me down energetically. I used to not be this way kinda developed from being an overthinker with poor mental habit

I understand what you mean. From your writing style you seem a bit manic. Not in a bad way, just in the way that you’ve got a lot on your mind so the coherency in your speech pattern might be misunderstood by normies. As a schizo, I see where you’re coming from. It is tough to be 20 years old and hearing things whilst taking insults. Don’t let it get to you. It isn’t always easy.

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I’m actually a very calm person. My mind just is very fast so when words get involved in thst it can become a bit manic. I often wonder of others level of intelligence and thought.

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Last time I looked up gaslighting I was totally paranoid and hearing people speak under their breath and in code behind my back. If this sounds similear I with the best for you because it is the illness

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