I think I’m gonna start collecting they are hugly cute but ffs I’m 30s
That doesn’t stop anyone else
Go ahead and collect them
You collect them @anon1571434?
Are they popular ?
Not funko pops but I have some nerd stuff in my living room. I’m in my mid twenties but I know people in their 30s who have nerdy stuff all over the place haha
My home is almost entirely overrun with lego sets. Do what makes you happy!
Star Wars ? You too
I got this one for myself.
Oooooh, give me five, fellow Dragon Ball fan !!
Kame… hame… haaaaaaa !!
I had no idea what a funko pop was. I thought maybe it was a popsicle or a lollipop.
So we’ve both discovered pop today
Lmao I should post my huge collection of nerd stuff but it’s all scattered right now
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