So I know this is probably going to sound like my meds are not working right but I promise you they are.
One of my last jobs my husband would go in and talk to my “friends” that worked their and they would record things I would say. I found out about it because one of the girls started to feel really bad about it and told me. So I would just say outlandish stuff to make him mad. He still lies about it to this day so I have dropped it for sometime now.
Then this weekend he started saying stuff under his breath and seems to want to bring all this stuff up again. I know if I say anything to him he is just going to tell me it is all in my head and that I am crazy.
I also had a relapse not long ago which he decided he was going to share with my family.
I have zero privacy in my life. Having this mental illness and having someone do this to you makes you feel even more crazy because you have to question everything.
I just don’t know what to do anymore.
I think you should let that episode go. I mean even if it were true you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. It’s history. Try not to dwell on things that annoy you. I guess your husband involves your family and keeps them in the loop is because he cares about you. I agree that it might be difficult when people we know like family and friends get insight into things that are hard for us to deal with and we don’t want anyone to know. But it’s not to ridicule us. They only want to be informed so they can be ready to help if something should happen i guess.
Hope things work out for you.
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