Found out about a group at my Library

‘Open minds’ . Thursday 1-3 pm. The library is less than 5 minutes walk away. Am always nervous about anything new, especially to do with social interaction , but will check it out.


We have a big new Library opening soon here, they have hidden 100 golden tickets in books at the current library’s for a sneek peek tour before it opens

Went to the group at my library. It was hard going . It was better at first when there was just three of us , although the other two were very much directing conversation at each other with me very much the third party. I got really anxious when the numbers built up . The person running it was something of a ‘hippy’ type describing himself as having been a radical social worker and working in learning disability and mental health communities in the 70s. He said he was very much against institutions for the intellectually/learning disabled and mentally ill. He made a comment about people wanting to be ill which didn’t sit well with me but I bit my tongue. I was polite and answered when spoken to but there’s just something about me that means I don’t stimulate conversation. Ie there’s lots of conversational dead ends.

I’m very doubtful I’ll go back. It was not exactly a relaxing experience.

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Another reason not to go back. A woman put £1 into the box for drinks. I then put £1 in which was the only change I had. Cue jibes about having my money on a string from the ageing hippy/ ex radical social worker running it. Maybe it was his idea of being funny but it made me feel bad. Being pedantic it costs about 10 p or slightly less per cup of instant coffee. We are not talking Starbucks here.

It’s cool that you went and tried it, even if it didn’t work out. That takes courage!

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I agree. Good to get out and see for yourself! Well done you!

Maybe you should give it another chance. It might have been a bad night. Also, have you heard of a group called “emotions anonymous”? It’s a twelve step group where people don’t have an addiction, but they need some help dealing with their emotions and other psychological problems. If you live in a city of any size you might could find such a group.

Another problem was it came over as a group for the worried well and not really for people with severe mental health problems. One woman came in after 30 minutes or so and proceeded to hog the ageing hippie’s attention re her wanting to set up as an acupuncturist /alternative therapist in a doctor’s surgery. She was getting him to print out maps and help revise her CV.

I just didn’t feel comfortable there especially as the little I had to say didn’t help to produce a flow of conversation. It was like no one was really interested and if they could have got away with loud,exaggerated yawns they would have done.

It struck me as a group for people who were fairly socially able and not one that would help along anyone who struggled in that respect .

There is EA in the UK but nothing near me. The ‘higher power’ thing like AA would put me off any way.

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That’s always been my problem with twelve step programs.

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