Hi Forum Family,
It’s been quite a long time since I logged in and posted. But, I still read posts quite often!! I’ve missed you all. In coming days, I can explain more of my hesitation to post. But I can promise you I have not stopped thinking about you and praying for you! And I am eager to reconnect, if you will have me!
So Much Love For You All~
I do have one important piece to say right away. I genuinely ask your forgiveness for stopping. Again, I can explain more. But I do know our friendships are real, and I know our actions impact other people. I’m so sorry.
I honestly thought I was most helpful to you if I removed myself from your world. I am sorry to all, and I’ve written several lists of so many of your names to speak to personally. It’s just not possible!! Excited to connect with you all! I care about you so, so much! And I’ve missed you!!
No need to apologize. We all know how mental illness can lie to us and tell us the world would be happier without us. I’m just glad you now realize we love and care about you, and we are glad to have you in our community.
Awww, @Joker, I want to! It would probably be much more helpful if I talked through my inaccurate thinking, fears, and perceptions of you all instead of checking out.
In coming days, I want to hear about your work, treatment, and support! We were always similar in needing more/different/better than what was provided!
I’m recently divorced and waiting for an apartment of my own to come open. Spending time with my grandkids and dealing with my daughter’s drama, as always, lol. Taking care of my mental health and trying to figure out what to do about my physical health right now. It’s so great to see you. You’re such a loving person, It’s great to have you back.
@jukebox Many Thanks! I am definitely at a very different place. But still afflicted, so life is always tough, of course! How are you? What have you been up to?
@Leaf So cool on an apartment! You will do so well on your own! Praying for that to happen asap. You’re such a concerned and caring Mama, so I’m sure whatever is happening with your daughter, whatever boundaries you place, you can’t turn off your heart so you’re always affected. Awesome about the grand kiddos!! How wonderful for them to have you!!