Forgotten diagnosis. Borderline PD

i have been looking into hospital papers since the beginning of my record .
7 years ago i was hospitalized the first time, they dz me with psychotic episode and borderline personality disorder. I ignored the second dz and everybody did too.

last year i became aware of it , but my therapist dismissed it like it was nothing. now i’m again trying to figure out whats my true diagnosis, so i can get better help.

the problem is that my city has terrible psychiatrists. they are worse then me, they are burned and spaced out.

i am trying to accept my borderline, i think it fits me, but it’s hard.
anybody is diagnosed with BPD? Can you recommend any books on it?

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I hate you don’t leave me.

I had a doctor give it to me as a teenager in the psych ward. Are you afab? I feel like a ton of girls and women get the borderline diagnosis automatically because the doctors are lazy men. I’ve seen dozens of pdocs over the years, and none of the female doctors have ever suggested borderline, about a good portion of the male doctors have made comments about it. It doesn’t fit me at all, only barely did when I was a depressed, psychotic, angtsy teenager.

Anyways, if you feel like it does for for you then maybe bring it up again. But it’s mostly therapy work, so I would find a therapist to work with and just skip the pdoc.


No. i’m 100% Real man. a manly man :rofl::sweat_smile:

The diagnosis was kept for all my hospitalizations even my last year hospitalization.
So idk, im thinking psychosis comes from the borderline because they’re so rare as a dual diagnosis.

i can’t be that unlucky lol

and im a man (a manly man :sunglasses: ) so i think they thought about keeping or not the diagnosis quite a bit

Call me mistaken, but alot of people on here seem to cop that diagnosis of BPD, before they get the Sz. Ive got it - downgraded to bpd “traits” and i still think its a load of bollox.


In my experience, the psych hospital diagnoses everyone with borderline.


Yeah mainly “difficult” female patients.
Most psychotic patients get diagnosed with a vague diagnosis like schizoaffective.


im not sure but my father might have had it

I can’t forget my diagnosis.
I have been diagnosed by 4 psychiatrists
and one disability committee.
How can I forget?

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My ex partner had BPD and her symptoms were best explained by Sam Vaknin. I’ll warn you he is very direct and doesn’t use comforting language.

Basically he is saying that when a borderline is threatened with abandonment, then the borderline depersonalises into a secondary psychopath. I’ve seen this happen many times. Individuals with BPD often describe it as ‘Jekyll & hyde’, or ‘turning werewolf’ or ‘going hulk’.


I grew up raised by a BPD mother. The abuse is awful.


My ex wife is Borderline.
Very abusive!

She was ‘crazier’ than I was!


Borderline can be so compassionate if they’ve worked through their crap.

But my recent ex had untreated bpd. She knew she has bpd but refused help. It ended with her punching the walls, threatening suicide multiple times, and trying to beat down the door where I was locked in… she interprets the entire relationship as me being the source of her bad behavior and after I got a protective order she got one against me (mine was granted hers wasnt). Went to court and my testimony was like 15 mins. Hers was 30 and we had to reschedule a second hearing for her to finish her list of 18 days I abused her. Saying me leaving her with the apartment was financial abuse for me to try to keep her where I knew where she was.

Not saying all borderline are like this. Just my experience with a particularly bad case.

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Why did they diagnose you with both? Generally PDs are assumed to be explained by a severe mental illness and do not warrant an actual diagnosis, unless they preceded the severe mental illness and there is a strong reason to assume it is not a result of it. But they can still be used to describe symptoms without being a formal diagnosis.

Honestly sounds like the BPD diagnosis might be shoddy work.


I’d take anything Sam Vaknin has to say with a large dose of salt.

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I was switched from schizoaffective mixed type to personality disorder NOS in 2005. Some time between 2006-2009 it was changed to paranoid pd. I moved to Wiltshire in Sept 2017, and had my 1st pdoc appointment here in Oct 2018. I was questioned thoroughly. My s/dau had raised the question of autism. I was told the most likely dxes were schizophrenia and ASD.

For me avoidant pd was the one that made by far the most sense, but was never considered. The ASD is static. For the other it fluctuates between schizophrenia and schizoaffective.


I have a female friend thats got EUPD - and i must say shes a nightmare, just the other day she slashed the tendons in the back of her foot. But sorry - i still reckon the root of her problem is her crack addiction. If she got rid of that and went into rehab, she would be far better.

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i dont think im like that but then again i might not be aware of it… damn, those are horror stories @Naarai

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Im no expert - but i reckon EUPD gets dished out too often, when your hard to treat or a pain in the arse. And 99% of the time it involves a drink or drug dependancy.

My sisters a nurse at the local hospital - and trust me they “groan” when they got a bpd patient in the Emergency room / A+E.

Cos they did with me too.

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you seem preety much ok. what changed?

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