Forgotten diagnosis. Borderline PD

I have never had that diagnosis. I guess they hand it out a lot, but guess I got lucky to have doctors that aren’t lazy. The only messed up diagnosis I ever got in the hospital was narcissistic disorder because I decided to say how things were affecting ME personally for once instead of focusing on everyone else.


I grew out of a lot of my issues as i got older. And once i got diagnosed properly with schizophrenia - and hence got the proper meds, i calmed down a hella of a lot.

Personally i reckon i was a nightmare - simply because i wasnt medicated properly.
I lacked insight for donkeys years, and as soon as i had that first jab, the lights went on lol.

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hit it on the bricks bro. word.

I guess i dont identify with it anymore… im preety chill, just this mood swings and personality issues plus some anger,boredom and i just know i will ■■■■ up if somebody gets close.

i hope thats normal, was it like that for you too?

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Yes it was. Constant mood swings. Bouncing from one crisis to another. Terribly bloody angry too - plus alcoholism. I was in the constant part of “fight” mode not flight.

Poor choices in relationships and lack of self worth too - issues i am still working on.

I didnt even realise the voices were not real - i had them for so long it seemed normal, so didnt even always convey it to the doctors. And the drinking was blamed for my problems - when in reality i was desparatly self medicating a root problem.

Housing issues never let me recover properly either - lived in some right dumps for over 20 years.

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