I meet several of criteria of being diagnosed with BPD, but since I haven’t had any traumatic experiences, I don’t have it. Which is fine by me. My therapist and I were talking about some of my symptoms of it, which he concluded that I don’t have it. My symptoms include black and white thinking, extreme reactions within my relationships, suicidal thoughts and self harm, and low self-esteem/ lack of identity. These have been going on for quite sometime, but I only recently started noticing them when my family would say something.
More than likely, this is caused by a lot of anxiety that I have, so I at least know its manageable. I was just wondering if anyone else has any borderline symptoms, or if you have BPD.
I got hit with borderline personality disorder same time as the sz, so age 12. When I went into the psych ward for first time at 20, I left my thing blank and Milwaukee just treated me for post partum psychosis, which I had with all 3 births, so when I went in at 21/22 in SD, i left a blank thing too, cause paper files were all they were still using in 2007 there. So they hit me with Borderline, bipolar, sz, post partum psychosis, homicidal tendencies, suicidal tendencies, plus several panic disorders. When we came back here to WI in 2014 it took almost a year to get my paper files from SD, but when they did got a box for that 7 year period out there that was just from Regional health, so only my GP who I used for everything after BMS’s Nurse practitioner was “fired” by my GP be cause her idea of successful treatment was creating zombies and not doing her ■■■■■■■ job. But my GP did send the files of her treatment of me, which with physical and mental was a box that contained 12 6 inch folders. The system I use here is electronic and decided to call her instead and ask her to just give a list and confirm stuff.
So the MI list is actually longer, but they’ve condensed things down. But the borderline is true cause I had events when I was 18 and pregnant with my first son that were caused by my now dead father in law. My husband didn’t get told what he did to me until FIL was dead, otherwise I’d have a husband doing life and 1 kid.
No treatment for it, but they did put the PTSD as major for those events, then the other 4 trips to SD psych ward caused it worse, for a 3rd sexual assault cause you really don’t lock a 100lb woman in with the men because you don’t have separate wards and you need to do your ■■■■■■■ checks. Every 15 min check, it was really every hour…