
I don’t know what’s wrong with me I can’t for the life of me remember what was going on last Monday that I was so symptomatic. Apparently I told my therapist some stuff that made her concerned and recommend I go to the hospital but I don’t remember what I told her. I remember I was tired but not much else. There’s been a lot of things I’ve been forgetting lately. Does medication cause this? Or is it the illness?

Could be both the illness and the meds causing it. My severe anxiety/stress has taken a toll on my memory.

I am not sure if it’s the medication or the illness.

I forget too what happens symptom wise. Probably for the best. Only problem is I don’t learn.

I have very spotty memories from when I was psychotic. It improved when I got on the right meds. I’ve also had a lot of brain damage though. I don’t think forgetfulness is a typical symptom or side effects, and if it continues you might want to see a neurologist.

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All antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives like benzodiazepines causes memory loss at various degrees. So need to stop taking these for some period to see if that contributing to memory loss.

Memory loss can occur due to low thyroid level. Thyroid level need to be optimal. TSH blood test should give value less that 1.0 for optimal range.

Vitamin d, b12 should also be in optimal ranges.

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