Forced myself to go out and meet a friend. Feels good

First time I had really left the flat (aside from going to mums) in a month. Met a friend for a drink. Unfortunately I had beer cos he was drinking too. Alcohol doesn’t go well with seroquel. Next time I will have orange juice.

Just feel good for overcoming my anxieties and leaving the house. We have arranged to meet up again.


I know how it feels to overcome an obstacle like that.
Hope you can replicate the feat many times over !!


Sup jim …what did u had in lunch …???

What dose are you on? I think when I was on it a few drinks would make me sedated but one would normally be fine

Good work getting out the flat

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Thanks @Andrey! Got a bit worried in case thought I was wasting my disability check on booze. But I think that is just an insecurity.

On 600mg seroquel. Kinda wipes me out if I drink.

wow. Hope you had a good time!

Good for you. You can also have non alcoholic beer :o)

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Well done dude, it’ll get easier the more you do it, you should arrange regular meet ups with your friend!! :slight_smile:


Thanks @spiderpig! My friend has retired and goes to the bar every afternoon so I can always find him when I want to. Next time I go am only going to get a Coke though.


It’s good to push yourself to help expand your comfort zone. I found that many activities in my life the anxiety was only around starting them/doing them but when I was actually doing them there was no anxiety at all.


Good for you, my son can isolate too. Must be part of SZ.

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