I don’t know about everybody that psychiatrists would designate as dissociation. The possibility is that it’s just flow in source energy. Some scientists say there is an infinite energy or source. According to a video I just watched it’s not disprovable by professional skeptics. .That means some of us may even be connected to it. I don’t know I’ve never experienced flow in any other situation.At least according to what I’ve read about fully accepted flow states.
Scuds not: My problem with scientific facts or whatever they are called. I don’t know when but in a not to distant past skeptics couldn’t disprove that consciousness stems from the brain. Then with new info skeptics and scientists can disprove that. That’s the case for most scientific facts or whatever they’re called throughout history. The coming of new information has disproved them. I’m pretty sure most scientists and skeptics thought there scientific facts were not disprovable. I guess history repeats itself because now scientists think there info is not up for disprove. A real skeptic would never think that. If they do they’re not really a skeptic.Are we so arrogant like in history to think we’re at the pinnacle of knowledge. The trap of knowledge I call it. I wonder what skeptics would say about that. Im not saying science isn’t useful because it is. We should use the best available knowledge at our disposal but always be aware it could be disprove .