Flavoured vapes may produce many harmful chemicals when e-liquids are heated

I always vaped unflavoured juice. So this doesn’t affect me either way.

But this study isn’t really based on anything other than some AI model guessing that it’s bad for you. (From what I remember)

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Flavoured vapes ‘may’ produce harmful chemicals.

Equally they may not.

Regardless, im sure smoking real tobacco will produce many more harmful chemicals. Not ‘may’ but ‘will’ because its been proven.

Sorry but it pisses me these studies that attack vaping, my opinion is that theyre funded by tobacco companies who want to outlaw vaping and get nicotine addicts back on the cigs… that are proven to be deadly.

I smoked for a long time before switching to vaping the last 4 years and ive noticed my health is better now. Thats my experience anyway.


Can’t be as bad as the arsenic and cyanide that’s in cigarettes lol

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may = we have no idea but read our clickbait article


I can’t really say what’s in vape juice, but for me it was a way to quit the cigarettes and stop coughing up chunks of brown gunk. Then I quit the vape in December using the patch + nicotine gum. Now I chew just nicotine gum all day. Did it help? Well, sure, I don’t get as short of breath…but I’m still pretty sure that 30+ years of smoking did its damage. Now I spend all my money on eBay nicotine gum instead of vape juice!!

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