Finished up my IOP group

when someone leaves you say your farewells for them in the group. so they go around the room. some of the people said some really flattering stuff that made me feel real good. Then this one guy says “If I were to pick one human being to represent the planet earth when we make an encounter with an alien race, it would be you”…LOL I found this to be the best most creative compliment I’ve ever received.

Felt good lol.


i agree…you are a good bloke.
take care :alien:


Nice dude… I forgot about those exit ceremonies.

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Well you are a nice guy, and people see this :smile:

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Thanks guys

Means a lot coming from a great person/alien like you @darksith
Take care

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Good on you, my friend.

What exactly is an IOP group? I’m not familiar but it sounds interesting, maybe something I would want to be a part of


Intensive outpatient group.

I went to the substance abuse program but they were open to my sharing of my mental illness. They also have it for mental health also. It’s 3 days a week for 3 hours of group therapy. I really benefited from it I’d recommend it. Check if they have one in your area.

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