Fighting back pain these days

Haven’t been here for a while…
Realized on friday that I’m old
I have strong back pain.
Don’t feel sorry, just came to say hellloo :slightly_smiling_face:


Sending hugs to @anon63380492 @LilyoftheValley @Wave @Schztuna @everhopeful and hoping you are well


Hey @anon25523312 . Can you schedule an appointment with your primary dr about your back pain? You’re not really that old. They might be able to help you with meds and physical therapy

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Hopefully it’s just muscle pain. If you have slipped a vertibrae out of whack the only way to get rid of the pain is to see a chiropractor and get popped. From my own experience anyway

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Hey, I’m for now attached to my coutch, neighbour helps me a lot…
I’m starting exercise soon as this goes away…
By exercise I mean streching first


Thanks @Cragger, I don’t know what it is…
I hope it goes away in a week…

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Hi @anon25523312, thank you for thinking of me :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope your back pain lets up soon and take it easy :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


Thanks a lot :slightly_smiling_face:!

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Thanks @POET, sorry I didn’t mentioned you

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Hey it’s all good dude, sorry about your back pain. I hope it gets better with stretches. Is it muscle or spine problems?

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I don’t know yet…
As soon it passes, I mean pain, doing the x ray…

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I have back pain too. I was cleaning the bathrooms at our clubhouse for a little extra cash a good while ago, and my back would hurt pretty bad during this chore. I’ve tried doing back exercises I’ve found on the internet, but they don’t work for me. Maybe I can find exercises that help.

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you know your old when your back go out on you why doing thing you normal do. and to top it off add weight and its a mess, been on this road now for too long. i feel for you. back pain is the pits.

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Oh thanks dear @anon25523312
Please go see a doctor if you can

Taking care of yourself is important

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Hey @anon25523312, I am doing okay… hope you are too… hope the back pain eases… do some stretches… and probably try getting a heating pad. Hugs

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You may need to do gentle movements with your back though to work it out. Defy talk to your primary dr about it

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Hey friends, how are you…
I managed to get some analgethic meds for back pain…
It’s not going away…
They are bit strong, so I’m waiting ultram to wear off and go to sleep…
I got a question…
What are you using for pain.
Reason I took ultram is bc I wanted to scream from pain this morning…

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