Geez. Aside from the mysoginy and public shaming of forcing the girls to identify themselves and announce to the whole school when they’re on their period, that’s just really unsanitary.
ridiculous can’t go to the bathroom when necessary.
School’s have a vendetta against using bathrooms. It’s even worse in the city because they make them do stupid ■■■■ like this all the time. They emotionally abuse students all the time and then act like they are there friend.
That’s ■■■■■■
Those charter schools need parents to like them enough to bring the kids there.
The school just did itself in because parents wont deal with that.
In one of my schools sometimes people would ask to go to the bathroom and then literally leave school. So I can understand how strict policies are formed, but you can just do what one of my other schools did, which was have a door person making sure no student leaves early without a pass and also I’ve been at schools with rules like you have to leave your phone or whatever behind. Preventing people from using the bathroom at all is dumb, and in this case, cruel.
Strict policies like this are horrible. Kids end up potentially soiling themselves or are forced to go through this for what? It’s unsanitary and downright cruel to police people’s bodily functions like that.
Sounds just like my daughter’s grade nine teacher. The only time I’ve come close to pounding nails through the end of a baseball bat and going to the school for a ‘chat’.
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