Why do people have such violent poops in public places

every porta potty or public restroom ive been to always has at least one stall that is absolutely disgusting. why do people do this


My daughter had to clean outhouses at a provincial park last summer, she couldn’t believe what she was finding on a daily basis. At the end of the summer she told me she had changed her mind about eugenics, she was now in favour of it. She would use public washrooms with hidden cameras to mark undesirables for execution.


It’s so cute when you think you’re being smart, but don’t even come close.


I’ve wondered the same thing.
Along with why people pee on the seats, or don’t flush their shite


It’s why I held it all day for nine hours while in high school. Idiots are too lazy to push a button. Yuck! Asking if they were born in a barn is an understatement.

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I’ll admit I destroyed a bathroom at a gas station one time.

I ran in and asked the cashier if I could use the bathroom. This chick was smoking hot. The bathroom was spotless. I couldn’t get my pants down fast enough. It exploded all the back of the toilet. Thankfully I didn’t get any on me. I feel sorry for whoever walked in there.

I smiled at the clerk and got the hell out.

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Bruh that made me laugh :joy:

I can understand if someone was desperate out of the blue, but some people appear not to have dump before their morning wash. Some gyms I’ve been to also have gross toilets after someone takes a 2.

Since I was a teen I’ve always emptied my bowels in the morning so I don’t have to go randomly in the day or evening.

I’ve read some weird stuff online about people pooping 2 to 3 times a week which sounds uncomfortable.

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yep once or twice in the morning after coffee and im good for the day, #1 on the other hand i probably go to the bathroom 30 or more times a day because as soon as i drink anything i have to go

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It’s the hoverers. They fear exotic butt diseases but are no good with balance.

I curse them because I am unable to hover and have to clean up their mess in order to sit down. :triumph:

Cause they know they don’t have to clean up after themselves.:joy:

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I rarely poop at any time but the morning. But in the morning I really have to go

It happens too early to be any place besides home though when I do go.

I thought this was a metaphor.

I always found that stupid. Unless they’re rubbing their buttholes or genital openings directly on the seat, there’s no more chance of germs than when they touch the doorhandle

Lol that made me laugh haard :rofl:

Maybe they think like my dog? He holds as much poo as he possibly can until we go for a walk. Then he drops 3 massive loads within 15 minutes of walking.

Maybe the gross humans are saving their massive dumps for when they’re in public?? Maybe they feel satisfied by blowing up a public bathroom. :joy:

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I was so worried about my smell not being accepted that I preferred public bathrooms that were well kept. This was when I was away at camp. The cabin had a toilet I never used.

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Was once in a Wal-Mart (first mistake), when I thought I’d just duck into the bathroom and do number one (second mistake). I go in and there is diarrhea on the wall, the floor, the seat, and even the ceiling. There were foot tracks of poop leading out the door. The smell was overwhelming. I gagged, flagged down one of their managers, and tried as delicately as I could to explain what I witnessed. She summoned the janitor, and he audibly said “Not this sht again.” Not this sht again?! This has happened before? Protip and moral of the story: if you’re in Wal-Mart, and can hold it, hold it.


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