Feeling sad

I’m not really depressed, just sad because things keep going downhill

Is there a solution other than AD’s?

You could try exercising.


Seconded on the exercise.

Since I started swimming at the gym it has given me focus

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Just because you are feeling low does not mean you gotta take ADs. Cheer yourself up as best as you can. At least window shop, it lifts the mood.


Yes i wasn’t gonna take AD’s lol

But doesn’t that apply to AP’s too ”just cause you’re little delusional/hallucinating/paranoid doesn’t mean you have to take antipsychotics”

I dont thing a foul mood qualifies as a medical condition or a psychiatrist one.

Well you’re right it doesn’t

There’s a big difference. With psychotic symptoms, it’s a loss of capacity

Well people want me to stay on meds although I’m not even symptomatic :confused:

My only symptom that remained after first episode psychosis is hearing voices, i chose to remain on ap’s as the risk outweighs the benefits

Well hearing voices sounds pretty serious to me

Btw what to do when you’re ruminating in thoughts about if it was psychosis or not and ■■■■

Your AP you had to get injected is the reason you’re no longer delusional. Before your shot, you were delusional. That’s why people want you to take your meds.

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Are you sure I was delusional? I think its just overvalued ideas

Paranoia that your parents are trying to kill you is not overvalued ideas.

Its serious and not normal.

Why? :confused: it has been part of my life for at least 4 years

Do you like to live with fear, delusions, paranoia, mental torture and stress?

Its bad for your health.

Of course not, why would anyone like that

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