every time i feel not well i say covidd like its always going to be that, but man i feel exhausted and i cant help thinking that, maybe there is not enough oxygen in my blood bc this covid thing is inside me i swear the Chinese are going to kill me
Get one of these to put your mind at rest:
my friend ordered one but idk if i should get one
I was going to suggest the same thing @everhopeful
I’ve actually got one myself. Time to charge it up I guess !
Me too. I also have a blood pressure cuff
I think the uk are giving them to the vulnerable, i am around the 40 age mark, i am fit (ish) and have no underlying health problems apart from sz and acid reflux
This is not a health concern, get disability for that?
I just bought an oximeter for £30 i can get my mum to use it as well
Yay! I hope it puts your mind to rest.
it probably wont but its a bit better i suppose
I’ve just used my oximeter. My oxygen saturation is only 95%. Maybe the vaping is catching up on me.
I think its ok, the nhs here said to call a gp if its 95-92 or if its 92 or less an ambulance or something, but you probably know that.
idk what kind of reading it would give a smoker after a cigarette
I’ve ordered another oximeter. The one I have is very old. I’d like a 2nd opinion basically. I’m slightly concerned about readings.
I need to wait until Feb2-5 to get mine
have you tried replacing the batteries first?
No the one I have is rechargeable.
Sometimes it says 96% , then other times 92%. I hope it’s just faulty as I feel fine. It’s about 5 years old.
yeah, maybe try another one then, why not take it to tthe dr and you can compare it with there’s idk
the only thing dangerous about having that all yourself is that you get worried if the values are slightly off… my brother has all that too and he gets nervous when the values are slightly off.
But i think it’s good idea to keep an eye on the oxygen in your blood =)