Feeling of psychosis

Is it just me or is being psychotic a full experience. Like it’s not just thought distortion or breaking from reality but it’s like a type of consciousness state.

Back a few months ago I was reading this book on consciousness(never finished ) and the guy had a theory about how the self processes in the mind was differentiated by the type of feelings self referenced thoughts bring up… Reading that and all the other information about the brain caused me to think differently about the brain…

Anyways…I’m noticing in my personal experience of psychosis that a lot of times when I’m psychotic I’m in like this trance state that is not linked to reality but seems to be based in this internal module of the world. I can’t really explain it but I feel like I might have just experienced something that will give me insight into what my version of psychosis is…

Maybe I have a lot less insight than I think and in therapy I’m just playing along to be the good client or something.

Sorry for the rant


I can relate 100%. Never thought it this way…

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Thats kind of how it is. Altered state of mind based on internal world and hallucinations.

Theres the kind where your a bit aware of it and othertimes where there no awareness.


Man… I need more insigh. I’m starting to see that I am really sick. Maybe I can get better :upside_down_face:


Man I hope they find a cure for us bro…

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