Feeling of impending doom

It seems to drive a lot of my symptoms … I am so sick of feeling on edge waiting for the other shoe to drop. Like something terrible is going to happen

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I get feelings of impending doom when I have panic attacks.

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I get this too. I’ve got it right now as well

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Yeah panic attacks ramp is up so hard but it’s like a baseline “oh no something’s wrong “ feeling for me

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General malaise the insane lament.

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Impending doom is the story of my life: “It was a dark and doomy night!” or “Once upon a doomy time.”

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When I reduce my meds I get the impending doom feeling.


My dr has been reducing my seroquel with the intention of going off and just being on abilify


What does Seroquel do? I can’t remember…


Very potent antipsychotic.


Thanks. My memory isn’t what it once was.


Is that like crippling anxiety? Do you think about the future a lot?

They say depression is thinking about the past, anxiety is thinking about the future. Calmness is being in the present.

How to be more present? I’m not so sure.

Maybe keeping busy with little tasks can help. That’s my 2 cents

Wishing you the best @Grookey :heartpulse:


Have you ever tried light therapy? @Froge

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No I haven’t but I don’t think I have seasonal affective issues

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