Feeling nervous

I have been feeling nervous all day. I woke up angry. And now im anxious. My brother and his kids are coming to visit tonight into tomorrow. Im nervous that im going to get paranoid. :grimacing:. I hate this feeling. My heart feels like its jumping from my chest.


I hope the time goes fast for you. Do you have any prns? :bear::bear::bear:

I do but they are all gone

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Its a low dose of hydroxyzine. I take double the amount and always run out. I feel nervous every day basically. Although the past few days ive been alright

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Talk to your pdoc because mine is easy going with that drug. You would benefit from more.:sun_with_face:

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It doesnt really do anything in all honesty.

Yeah ask for an increase. :pig::pig::pig:

Im at the max dose he will prescribe. And he wont do anything that is addicting. So i just have to deal with it.

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I also have this type of anxiety. I don’t know how to describe it other than feeling on-edge or nervous constantly for no reason, though it comes and goes. It feels like something is wrong in my brain or nervous system. I think it’s part of psychosis. It started when I started having panic attacks last year. Not sure how to get rid of it entirely but Cogentin and propranolol help somewhat. Benzos don’t work for me though they never did before I had this chronic anxiety.

I’m sorry. That sucks. I hope you find some relief somehow. :turtle::turtle::turtle:

Yes. Constant on edge feeling. Thats how i always feel. Like im on the verge of paranoia. Some days its less and i can cope. Other days its crippling. Today is one of those crippling days. Its rather frustrating.

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