Is feeling hollow a negative symptom?
May be …Negatives symptoms gives us alot of trouble…!!!
Yes feeling empty or hollow can be part of SZ Negative symptom like Anhedonia or even part of depression or meds.
Which one do you think wave? I’m ■■■■■■■ hurting seriously bad with no emotion.
Yes it can be a possible negative symptom. I hate the feeling myself. Like an empty shell. But its not like apathy. Its just lack of emotion. It makes me feel cold to people and untrusting. It passes. Try to get some sleep and start a new day. That normally helps me
Ohh!! Take a hot shower. Those r the ■■■■. Nothing like hot water to make u feel warm again
Wtf is this ■■■■? That’s exactly how it feels. It’s an eerie flat feeling right? Empty and flat?
Yep thats how it feels for me too. It passes. Like i said. Sleep and hot showers. Try warming ur body temp and eat something. The more i keep my body running correctly the less i feel empty.
If you were hollow like that conspiracy of the moon being hollow…wow…you’d ring like a bell and resonate every bump in the night. Drink water and lay off the whiskey, do you need me to send you cigars???
What’s up @neveragain! Cigars sounds good right now. This feels like the end. Had to put my dog down this morning. I’m heartbroken and crazier than a ■■■■ house rat!
Damn, you need a good maduro wrapped cigar that may cost more than ten dollars.
Thanks buddy, I guess that’s the sciz in schizoaffective talking. Damn I didn’t think that this part would come back.
You bury or cremate the pooch?
Cremate. A big beautiful 102lb black Labrador retriever. He was my foxhole buddy
I know you must be going through alot losing your companion. I hope you do well though and maybe find a new companion from the same breeder or something…I dunno I’m having a hard time with my cats right now and we may have to get rid of one of them we don’t know why but he’s going all over the floors every single day nearly…it’s hard but we may have to put him out at a farm where he won’t piss on our floor. It’s my girlfriends cat and she doesn’t want to face the fact that the cat is going all over the place and that we need to change something. Maybe our plans that we made will help but I’m not too sure.
Anyway, I’m really sorry you lost your dog. We’ve had hard times with pets but no deaths lately.
Do you have a cigar shop you can go to? REcently I quit smoking and haven’t had a cigarette in like a week. It’s been rough and I haven’t had any cigars…but ah well I’ll make it. Now for this phantom shitter cat.
Thanks, I don’t know a whole lot about cats but I do know they tend to be pretty fickle. I hope you guys can sort out the issue and get her better or somewhere that she’s better adjusted.
Yea pets are tough. Had this guy for 13 years. He wasn’t the best behaved dog but man was he beautiful. They euthanized him right in front of me this morning. I had a change of heart right as they started the drip but he was suffering and we had to put him down. It sucks, I don’t have a girlfriend and I don’t do well with people so it’s just me now and the immediate family. Good idea about a new pup from the same breeder. Wonder if I could reunite with one of his cousins some day.
Yea we’ve got a few cigar shops in the area. I used to enjoy cigars. Maybe I’ll run down and pick out a few tomorrow. Got any reccomendations?
Hey @MeghillaGorilla1 I’m really sorry about your dog. Pets can be such a comfort to us. Losing them is really hard. Take care.
Hey @MeghillaGorilla1
I’m sill trying to figure out where my lack of motivation is coming from.
I’m also feeling empty and a bit hollow.
My problem could be depression and medication side effects.
Since one of my diagnoses is bipolar.
Bipolar depression could be an issue for you as well.
I don’t know enough about your medical history.
Just read your post
Sorry about your dog @MeghillaGorilla1