Feeling depressed about money

But it’s not what you think. My personal experience is that money can buy happiness. When I have had extra money in the course of a lifetime, I could relax because I didn’t have to worry about paying bills and if I am driving around doing errands than I could pick up a coke or a hamburger without a second thought.

I guess the main reason money makes me happy is when I compare my life without money vs my life when I have money, having money always wins.

I’ve racked up huge credit card debt many times in my life but somehow something always came up and I paid them off.

And now, I paid off all my bills and I have extra money again. This happened recently but for the first time I wasn’t happy, in fact I was depressed for some reason. It felt like an empty victory. That lasted a couple days. But I’m over it now. When I pay my rent I’ll have a nice chunk left over to treat myself to some luxury and do a few things.


I go to Women’s Group where many have part time or lower middle wage jobs and need to manage their money. But there’s always talk about going on a vacation or making food for a party with the family. Managing money and having enough to spend comfortably is part of living life. I’d like to have a family and a part time job one day.

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Mate. I can relate. I’m running a car on a pension. Seems everytime I get a little bit ahead I have to spend money on the car. Just annoys me never being able to save a bit for a rainy day! I just got a service and two new tires and in the next couple of months need a timing chain ( $500 ) and rego ( $300). Just as I was putting money away!

Enjoy the extra matey. You never know when that dumb car will bite you on the Ass! :slight_smile:



I understand. I remember times when I stayed on top of or ahead of my bills and wants.

Be thankful, because you’ll probably look back on this time and be happy or disappointed with your decisions.

I hope the best for you, hon. Take care. :upside_down_face:

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You’re making me afraid of buying a car. Still undecided if I want one but I could definitely spend that extra money somewhere less costly! Like a trip.


I’m glad your doing good. Sorry for the attack. I just felt like you were attacking me. Sz I guess.

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I’ve been driving steadily since 1998. I’ve had 6 or 7 different cars.

I don’t regret getting cars at all. The positive benefits of having cars and driving far outweigh the negatives.

I took the bus everywhere from 1990-95. I don’t miss anything about having to take buses for an hour and a half to work and then an hour and a half ride back home. Sure, cars break down but you can minimize the time and expense of repairs by taking preventive actions like regular oil changes for instance. If you’re careful and get a good car and take care of it, it might last ten years with just a few or several repairs.


I don’t attack people. But I do feel comfortable enough on here to occasionally get angry. But nothing vicious or terrible. Anyways, it’s a big forum and there’s room for everybody.


Just a delusion I guess. I was on here one night thinking everybody was talking about me and attacking me.

Yeah @anon62973308 as Nick says a car is a good thing to have. I’ve lived without but going to the city twice a week makes for a 45 minute trip and I can leave or arrive when I like. If I take a train it’s an hour and a half trip and if I miss a train it’s longer.

Also. Car has stereo and is so much more easy to get places. Yeah I beotch that it costs me money but keeping them on the road is a worthy expense.


You’re not alone. That happens to many people.

The bus system here is pretty good and the average wait is about 15 minutes. If I start working I can set aside a few thousand every year and hopefully get a car in a year or two when my family and I move back to the city.


You need to be happy with what you got no matter what it is. Then you’ll always be greatful for a little more having to much money ruins the struggle and there’s no victory without struggle

I hate being broke so I’m pretty good at budgeting only there’s hardly ever extra…when there is I don’t want anything…it’s all just more stuff.

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