i suffer from chronic feelings of emptiness in most situations, like i will never be happy or i cant get happy . and when im happy i get scared of losing it… i just feel like an empty shell. does anyone else relate how do i fix this . its so debilitating like my life has no purpose
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No Purpose … ,
Hmm , , ,
Perhaps Drop tha Purpose … ,
Tha Weight of Feeling You Need to Be Heroic in All Walking , Crawling Forms of Existence (???)
I can relate to this.
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I suffered from that at the outset. Enough years of fighting back against the illness have given me the stability and self-confidence I need to mostly push past negative symptoms (that and being med-compliant). Hobbies, volunteer work, keeping busy, moving forward. Each day, find some way to move forward in some area.
Sounds like an existential problem. I fill myself up with good tasting, wholesome food. It increases my self esteem. I suggest you try helping someone else.
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