To other people I act childish and clueless about stuff. I feel like this illness has caused me to digress into a child who doesnt know how to do anything. I have a hard time solving problems and doing things right and Im sick of it. Not only that but the voices tell me im a childish loser who cant do anything right.
I feel like I have digressed too, but I don’t really know if it’s a result of mental illness or not. I used to be able to do a lot more
What do you think caused it if not mental illness?
I don’t know. I have brain lesions though so maybe that? I really just don’t know
Oh okay gotcha. Im sorry you have brain lesions, howd that happen?
I sometimes feel like I’m being petty and childish too. All I can do is work on it. There are things I need to think through.
Yes there are things I need to think through too
I feel mentally disabled from severe negative symptoms of sz.
I was just researching why Im dealing with these things and it came to me as negative symptoms now it all makes sense. What Im experiencing are the negative symptoms of schizophrenia. They are extremely presenst on a daily basis
Yes and there is no treatment for these. I tried therapy, Wellbutrin, etc
It really sucks. What, are we just supposed to deal with them???
I get overwhelmed easily.
Me too all of the time
I guess so, my psychiatrist says that I should make some effort but I can’t even do that.
Mostly in work situations for me.
Next time I see my psychiatrist Im going to talk to her about these problems
Ive never been able to hold down a job
The drs don’t know how I got brain lesions. I even went to the Cleveland Clinic and they didn’t know either
Oh wow well I hope your okay
I know what you mean
I can feel this whether I’m unwell or when I’m well, I still think it a bit
I know for me it’s something to do with impulse control issues
I have to say what I think, like a complete compulsion to
It makes me seem childish
I hope you can forgive yourself for needing help or not being 100%