For context, I am in my mid twenties. I just found out that my mom has schizophrenia. It was well hidden from my my whole life. She was hospitalised for a few weeks after she stopped taking her medication, becoming delusional and a danger to others. I am also learning now from family that it runs strong in our family, my mom has lots of siblings and 2 of her siblings have it and my cousin as well.
After researching schizophrenia, I believe I have all the symptoms with the exception of delusions and hallucinations. Occasionally, I may get uneasy with people or rarely, paranoid thoughts, but I am able to rationalize and quickly dismiss it - this has never caused me issue.
I am apathetic, lack of emotion. It feels as if I am a brick wall, so to speak.
I quickly loose interest in projects.
I am not very social. I don’t usually speak unless spoken to, lack of small talk and interest in others. Most especially in the workplace.
The thing I absolutely struggle most with is my cognition. It affected me in high school a lot (dropped out) and it effects my job performance. My recollection of things is poor. I often mix up words when speaking. It’s difficult for me to focus and sustain attention when doing tasks. I catch myself putting stuff in the fridge or freezer that doesn’t belong there. When people speak, as I give them my apparent full attention, sometimes everything they say will go right over my head and I catch nothing except keywords. I am constantly zoning out while thinking irrelevant thoughts. I feel like it’s not my intelligence, it’s my inability to process.
I am planning on booking a doctor’s appointment and seeking help. Till now I believed I had undiagnosed ADHD without the hyperactivity. Whether it is schizophrenia (simple schizophrenia?) or not, that is not up to me to decide but it sure feels like it after reading up on it. I do need to push myself to go to the doctor, I was always told my whole life by family that’s there’s nothing wrong with me, ignore it, etc… that type of attitude.
Does anyone else have it similar to me - no delusions?
How is treatment? Are cognitive issues able to be treated effectively?
Do delusions or hallucinations usually show up later in life? Or is it possible to just not have these?
I just want to know a bit more before I go in to the doctor.