Falling asleep=====

Its the best thing in my books

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The best thing in my books
is my books. :crazy_face:

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The best thing is your book you say, what about what you write? HEHEHE

Sleep is good. Fifteen.

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I think my insomnia is improving very very very slowly.

Falling to sleep is hard for me most of the time, I have to take 1.5mg of clonazepam.

I hope I am able to sleep normally one day again. My whole life I never had problems sleeping, until I quit olanzapine 5 months ago.

Insomnia is the worst thing I have experience because mine is so extreme.

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When I missed one of my appointments for an injection I would get electric shocks in my brain just before I fell asleep. Brain zaps is what they are commonly called. I got back on my meds and the brain zaps went away.

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When I quit Venlafaxine (Effexor), an antidepressant, one of the withdrawal effects I had were brain zaps and body zaps for about 3 months, they were intense.

Yeah, when I would miss an Effexor I would get mild brain zaps, I would then take it and they would go away, but when I quit it entirely it was brutal.

The first psych med I was on was Paxil and I had brain zaps from that, that is why I chose my username @Headspark It’s based on my first experience with psych meds.

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That’s a great username. My doctor tried to tell me it was a naturally occurring phenomenon. I could smell his bs a mile away.

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Yeah, when I told my doctor I was experiencing electric shocks in my brain he looked at me like I was crazy, I picked up on that and quickly downplayed it. I didn’t want him to put me back on it or some other medication. I was looking for help and got none.

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