5:56pm ET: UPDATE: Bunny softens tone, says she doesn’t want no baby mama drama
This is a developing situation…
Bunny (@ShadowPuppet) Goes On The Offensive As Pixel Hits Back
Former claims latter’s actions were uncalled for
Has users wondering if @ShadowPuppet was the culprit in last week’s giant bunny attack
Entire drama staged by @shutterbug and @shadowpuppet for extra profit? Pair seen in Starbucks wearing sunglasses and baseball caps
Fake Forum News™ is a fair and balanced news source for all your latest sz.com forum drama, rumors, and reality-based segments.
Sz is a accused of split personalities, maybe that bunny contributor was really one of those, each personality maintained a login - omg. Wish I had that kind of energy!
I heard it was to drum up viewers for their comedy duo.based in seatle…called the pixelated bunny project or fmlyfs for short…most jokes involve pies from what I’ve been told …I like both of them and had to weigh in somehow…
Fake forum news- Nicehat is woman impersonating a man wearing a stupid hat.
that he crocheted herself
Wow, I made the news…
Never thought I’d see the day. Lol
That’s Lambchop, not a bunny!
They taste the same when breaded and fried.
Disgusting…baby sheep is the second most vile meat I’ve eaten…next to goat head cheese…which is not cheese at all…I’d rather eat gamie meat than baby meat…any day…
Well, that explains why mixing it with macaroni and baking it turned out bass ackwards.
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